Online calculator of positive predicted values (PPV)

    Given a positive or negative outcome of COVID-19 diagnostic test, what is the probability of infecting SARS-CoV-2?

    COVID-19 Diagnostic Assessment Tool

    This online calculator estimates the probability of infection using the Bayesian probability, given the background information of prevalence of COVID-19, diagnostic test sensitivity and specificity (Cao et al. 2021, Royal Society of Open Science). Particularly, it considers the scenarios when repeated tests were performed by the same or alternative kits (PCR, rapid antigen test, etc).

    This calculator was developed in the early stage of COVID-19 pandemic, as a response to facilitate accurate diagnostic testing by various platforms.

    Cao L, Zhao S, Li Q, Ling L, Wu WK, Zhang L, Lou J, Chong MK, Chen Z, Wong EL, Zee BC. A Bayesian method for synthesizing multiple diagnostic outcomes of COVID-19 tests. Royal Society open science. 2021 Sep 15;8(9):201867.

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